Cougar Band

Cougar Band

What is Charms?

The CutTime (formerly CHARMS) website is a statewide standard class organization website designed for elective classes. CutTime functions much like Skyward in regards to confidential, individual and isolated teacher/parent/student access to class information. This information easily matriculates to the high school when students enter the high school level. There is additional functionality that is more practical to the digital age of music specific items such as: 

  • Real-Time Calendar with Attendance Functionality

  • Student Finance Accounts

  • Instrument Inventory Management

  • Form Collection (From Activities to Waivers)

  • Medical and Travel Documentation

  • Music Library Access

  • Recording Studios (for the individual and the ensemble.)

  • Practice Sheet Management

  • A mobile app located on the App Store and Google Play

  • And many more features

Cougar Band Ensembles

Wind Ensemble

Selection into this group is by audition, director recommendation, and demonstration of academic proficiency. Members in this ensemble will participate in the TMEA Region Band process, Solo and Ensemble Contest, preparations for special possible honor concerts, and UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation. The Wind Ensemble will give numerous performances both on and off campus. In UIL activities, this group will be designated the “Varsity” band.  

Symphonic Band

Selection into this group is by audition. This group, at varying levels, will participate in Solo and Ensemble Contest and UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation.  Members of the Symphonic Band may participate in the TMEA Region Band process at the discretion of the directors. These groups will give a variety of performances. In UIL activities, these groups are designated as the “Non-Varsity” band. 

Students in the band program will be placed in a concert ensemble by audition at the end of the school year, as well as observation throughout the year.

 Beginning Band

This band is available to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who wish to participate in the band experience. Students enrolled in beginning band need not have any previous band experience.  Instrument selection will be done with the aid of the band staff. 

Contact Information

Questions or Concerns?  Feel free to e-mail or call us any time.

Kenneth Marina
Director of Bands
Email Kenneth Marina

Charles Fleming
Assistant Director of Bands
Email Charles Fleming

Zayah Hough
Assistant Director of Bands
Email Zayah Hough

Phone Number: (254) 542-7877